CHAPTERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DOCUMENTS 1999 1979 1963 1960 1954


Part I: Federal Courts

A – The Supreme Court of Nigeria

  1. (1)      There shall be a Supreme Court of Nigeria.

(2)      The Supreme Court of Nigeria shall consist of –

(a)      the Chief Justice of Nigeria; and

(b)      such number of Justices of the Supreme Court, not exceeding twenty-one, as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.

  1. (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of Chief Justice of Nigeria shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council subject to confirmation of such appointment by the Senate.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Justice of the Supreme Court shall be made by the President on the National Judicial Council subject to confirmation of such appointment by the senate.

(3)      A person shall not be qualified to hold the office of Chief Justice of Nigeria or a Justice of the Supreme Court, unless he is qualified to practice as a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than fifteen years.

(4)      If the office of Chief Justice of Nigeria is vacant or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of that office, or until the person holding has resumed those functions, the President shall appoint the most senior Justice of the Supreme Court to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment, and the President shall not re-appointment a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1. (1)      The Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of any other court, have original jurisdiction in any dispute between the Federation and a state or between states if and in so far as that dispute involves any question (whether of law or fact) on which the existence or extent of a legal right depends.

(2)      In addition to the jurisdiction conferred upon it by subsection (1) of this section, the Supreme Court shall have such original jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by any Act of the National Assembly.

Provided that no original jurisdiction shall be conferred upon the Supreme Court with respect to any criminal matter.

  1. (1)      The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction, to the exclusion of any other court of law in Nigeria, to hear and determine appeals from the Court of Appeal.

(2)      An appeal shall lie from the decisions of the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court as of right in the following cases—

(a)      where the ground of appeal involves questions of law alone, decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings before the Court of Appeal;

(b)      decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution;

(c)      decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to whether any of the provisions of Chapter IV of this Constitution has been, is being or is likely to be contravened in relation to any person;

(c)      decisions in any criminal proceedings in which any person has been sentenced to death by the Court of Appeal or in which the Court of Appeal has affirmed a sentence of death imposed by any other Court;

(e)      decisions on any question—

(i)       whether any person has been validly elected to the office of President or Vice-President under this Constitution,

(ii)      whether the term of office of President or Vice President has ceased;

(iii)     whether the office of President or Vice-President has become vacant;

(iv)     whether any person has validly elected to the office of Governor or Deputy-Governor under this Constitution;

(v)      whether the term of office of a Governor or Deputy Governor has ceased;

(vi)     whether the office of Governor or Deputy Governor has ceased;

(vi)     whether the office of Governor or Deputy Governor has become vacant; and

(f)      such other cases as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly”.

  1. For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or any Law, the Supreme Court shall be duly constituted if it consists of not less than five Justices of the Supreme Court:

Provided that where the Supreme Court is sitting to consider an appeal brought under 233(2)(b) or (c) of this Constitution, or to exercise its original jurisdiction in accordance with section 232 of this Constitution, the Court shall be constituted by seven Justices.

  1. Without prejudice to the powers of the President or of the Governor of a state with respect to prerogative of mercy, no appeal shall lie to any other body or person from any determination of the Supreme Court.
  2. Subject to the provisions of any Act of the National Assembly, the Chief Justice of Nigeria may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the Supreme Court.


 B – The Court of Appeal

  1. (1)      There shall be a Court of Appeal.

(2)      The Court of Appeal shall consist of –

(a)      a President of the Court of Appeal; and

(b)      such number of Justices of the Court of Appeal, not less than forty-nine of which not less than three shall be learned I Islamic personal law, and not less than three shall be learned in Customary law, as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.

  1. (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of President of the Court of appeal shall be made by the President o the recommendation of the National Judicial Council subject to confirmation of such appointment by the senate.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Justice of the Court of Appeal shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      A person shall not be qualified to hold the office of a Justice of the Court of Appeal unless he is qualified to practise as a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than twelve years.

(4)      If the office of the President of the Court of appeal is vacant, or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of that office, or until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the President shall appoint the most senior Justice of the Court of Appeal to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment, and the President shall not re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1. (1)      Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Court of Appeal shall, to the exclusion of any other court of law in Nigeria, have original jurisdiction to hear and determine any question as to whether—

(a)      whether any person has been validly elected to the office of President or Vice-President under this Constitution,

(b)      whether the term of office of President or Vice President has ceased;

(c)      whether the office of President or Vice-President has become vacant;

(2)      in the hearing and determination of an election petition under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section, the Court of Appeal shall be duly constituted if it consists of at least three Justices of the Court of Appeal.

  1. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Court of Appeal shall have jurisdiction to the exclusion of any other court of law in Nigeria, to hear and determine appeals from the Federal High Court, the National Industrial Court, the High Court of the Federation Capital Territory, Abuja, High Court of a state, Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Sharia Court of Appeal of a state, Customary Court of Appeal of a state and from decisions of a court martial or other tribunals as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.
  2. (1)      An appeal shall lie from decisions of the Federal High Court or a High Court to the Court of Appeal as of right in the following cases –

(a)      final decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings before the Federal High Court or a High Court sitting at first instance;

(b)      where the ground of appeal involves questions of law alone, decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings;

(c)      decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution;

(d)      decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to whether any of the provisions of Chapter IV of this Constitution has been, is being or is likely to be, contravened in relation to any person;

(e)      decisions in any criminal proceedings in which the Federal High Court or a High Court has imposed a sentence of death;

(f)      decisions made or given by the Federal High Court or a High Court –

(i)       where the liberty of a person or the custody of an infant is concerned,

(ii)      where an injunction or the appointment of a receiver is granted or refused,

(iii)     in the case of a decision determining the case of a creditor or the liability of a contributory or other officer under any enactment relating to companies in respect of misfeasance or otherwise,

(iv)     in the case of a decree nisi in a matrimonial cause or a decision in an admiralty action determining liability, and

(v)      in such other cases as may be prescribed by any law in force in Nigeria.

(2)      Nothing in this section shall confer any of appeal –

(a)      from a decision of the Federal High Court or any High Court granting unconditional leave to defend an action;

(b)      from an order absolute for the dissolution or nullity of marriage in favour of any party who, having had time and opportunity to appeal from the decree nisi on which the order was founded, has not appealed from that decree nisi; and

(c)      without the leave of the Federal High Court or a High Court or of Appeal, from a decision of the Federal High Court High Court made with the consent of the parties or as to costs only

  1. (1)      Subject to the provisions of section 241 of this Constitution, an appeal shall lie from decisions of the Federal High Court or a High Court to the Court of Appeal with the leave of the Federal High Court or that High Court or the Court Appeal

(2)      The Court of Appeal may dispose of any application for leave to appeal from any decision of the Federal High Court or a High Court in respect of any civil or criminal proceedings in which an appeal has been brought to the Federal High Court or a High Court from any other court after consideration of the record of the proceedings, if the Court of Appeal is of the opinion that the interests of justice do not require an oral hearing of the application.

  1. (1)      Any right of appeal to the Court of Appeal from the decisions of the Federal High Court or a High Court conferred by this Constitution shall be –

(a)      exercisable in the case of civil proceedings at the instance of a party thereto, or with the leave of the Federal High Court or High Court or the Court of Appeal at the instance of any other person having an interest in the matter, and in the case of criminal proceedings at the instance of an accused person or, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and any powers conferred upon the Attorney-General of the Federation or the Attorney-General of a state to take over and continue or to discontinue such proceedings, at the instance of such other authorities or persons as may be prescribed;

(b)      exercised in accordance with any Act of the National Assembly and rules of court for the time being in force regulating the powers, practice and procedure of the Court of Appeal.

(2)      An appeal shall lie from the decision of the National Industrial Court as of right to the Court of Appeal on questions of fundamental rights as contained in Chapter IV of this Constitution as it relates to matters upon which the National Industrial Court has jurisdiction.


(3)      An Appeal shall only lie from the decision of the National Industrial Court to the Court of Appeal as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly:


Provided that where an Act or Law prescribes that an appeal shall lie from the decisions of the National Industrial Court to the Court of Appeal, such appeal shall be with the leave of the Court of Appeal.


(4)      Without prejudice to the provisions of section 254C (5) of this Act the decision of the Court of Appeal in respect of any appeal arising from any civil jurisdiction of the National Industrial Court shall be final.

  1. (1)      An appeal shall lie from decisions of a Sharia Court of Appeal to the Court of Appeal as of right in any civil proceedings before the Sharia Court of Appeal with respect to any question of Islamic personal law which the Sharia Court of Appeal is competent to decide.

(2)      Any right of appeal to the Court of Appeal from the decisions of a Sharia Court of Appeal conferred by this section shall be –

(a)      exercisable at the instance of a party thereto or, with the leave of the Sharia Court of Appeal or of the Court of Appeal, at the instance of any other person having an interest in the matter; and

(b)      exercised in accordance with an Act of the National Assembly and rules of court for the time being in force regulating the powers, practice and procedure of the Court of Appeal.

  1. (1)      An appeal shall lie from decisions of a customary Court of Appeal to the Court of Appeal as of right in any civil proceedings before the customary Court of Appeal with respect to any question of Customary law and such other matters as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.

(2)      Any right of appeal to the Court of Appeal from the decisions of a Customary Court of Appeal conferred by this section shall be –

(a)      exercisable at the instance of a party thereto or, with the leave of the Customary Court of Appeal or of the Court of Appeal, at the instance of any other person having an interest in the matter;

(b)      exercised in accordance with any Act of the National Assembly and rules of court for the time being in force regulating the powers, practice and procedure of the Court of Appeal.

  1. (1)      An appeal to the Court of Appeal shall lie as of right from—

(a)      decisions of the Code of Conduct tribunal established in the Fifth Schedule to this Constitution

(b)      decisions of the National and State Houses of Assembly Election Tribunals; and

(c)      decisions of the Governorship Election Tribunals, on any question as to whether—

(i)       any person has been validly elected as a member of the National Assembly or of a House of a Assembly of a State under this Constitution

(ii)      any person has been validly elected to the office of a Governor or Deputy Governor, or

(ii)      the term of office of any person has ceased or the seat of any such person has become vacant.

(2)      The National Assembly may confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Appeal to hear and determine appeals from the decision of any other court of law or tribunal established by the National Assembly.

(3)      The decisions of the Court of Appeal in respect of appeals arising from the National and State Houses of Assembly election petitions shall be final”.

  1. (1)      For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or any other law, the Court of Appeal shall be duly constituted if it consists of not less than three Justices of the Court of Appeal and in the case of appeals from –

(a)      a sharia Court of Appeal if it consists of not less than three Justices of the Court of Appeal learned in Islamic personal law; and

(b)      a Customary Court of Appeal, if it consists of not less than three Justices of Court of Appeal learned in Customary law.

  1. Subject to the provisions of any Act of the National Assembly, the president of the Court of Appeal may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the Court of Appeal.


C – The Federal High Court

  1. (1)      There shall be a Federal High Court.

(2)      The Federal High Court shall consist of –

(a)      a Chief Judge of the Federal High Court; and

(b)      such number of Judges of the Federal High Court as may be prescribed by the an Act of the National Assembly.

  1. (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of Chief Judge of the Federal High Court shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, subject to confirmation of such appointment by the Senate.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Judge of the Federal High Court shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      A person shall not be qualified to hold the office of Chief Judge of the Federal High Court unless he is qualified to practise as a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years.

(4)      If the office of Chief Judge of the Federal High Court is vacant or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then, until a person has been appointed to and has assumed those functions of that office until the person holding the office has resumed those functions the President shall appoint the most senior Judge of the Federal High Court to perform those functions”

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to the provisions of subsection (3) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment and the President shall not re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed

  1.  (1)      Notwithstanding anything to the contained in this Constitution and in addition to such other jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by an Act of the National Assembly, the Federal High Court shall have and exercise jurisdiction to the exclusion of any other court in civil causes and matters –

(a)      relating to the revenue of the Government of the Federation in which the said Government or any organ thereof or a person suing or being sued on behalf of the said Government is a party;

(b)      connected with or pertaining to the taxation of companies and other bodies established or carrying on business in Nigeria and all other persons subject to Federal taxation;

(c)      connected with or pertaining to customs and excise duties and export duties, including any claim by or against the Nigeria Customs Service or any member or officer thereof, arising from the performance of any duty imposed under any regulation relating to customs and excise duties and export duties;

(d)      connected with or pertaining to banking, banks, other financial institutions, including any action between one bank and another, any action by or against the Central Bank of Nigeria arising from banking, foreign exchange, coinage, legal tender, bills of exchange, letters of credit, promissory notes and other fiscal measures:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to any dispute between an individual customer and his bank in respect of transactions between the individual customer and the bank;

(e)      arising from the operation of the Companies and Allied Matters Act or any other enactment replacing the Act or regulating the operation of companies incorporated under the Companies and Allied Matters Act;

(f)      any Federal enactment relating to copyright, patent, designs, trade marks and passing-off, industrial designs and merchandise marks, business names, commercial and industrial monopolies, combines and trusts, standards of goods and commodities and industrial standards;

(g)      any admiralty jurisdiction, including shipping and navigation on the River Niger or River Benue and their affluents and on such other inland waterway as may be designated by any enactment to be an international waterway, all Federal ports, (including the constitution and powers of the ports authorities for Federal ports) and carriage by sea;

(h)      diplomatic, consular and trade representation;

(i)       citizenship, naturalisation and aliens, deportation of persons who are not citizens of Nigeria, extradition, immigration into and emigration from Nigeria, passports and visas;

(j)      bankruptcy and insolvency;

(k)      aviation and safety of aircraft.

(l)       arms, ammunition and explosives;

(m)     drugs and poisons;

(n)      mines and minerals (including oil fields, oil mining, geological surveys and natural gas);

(o)      weights and measures:

(p)      the administration or the management and control of the Federal Government or any of its agencies;

(q)      subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the operation and interpretation of this Constitution in so far as it affects the Federal Government or any of its agencies;

(r)      any action or proceeding for a declaration or injunction affecting the validity of any executive or administrative action or decision by the Federal Government or any of its agencies; and

(s)      such other jurisdiction civil or criminal and whether to the exclusion of any other court or not as may be conferred upon it by an Act of the National Assembly:

Provided that nothing in the provisions of paragraphs (p), (q) and (r) of this subsection shall prevent a person from seeking redress against the Federal Government or any of its agencies in an action for damages, injunction or specific performance where the action is based on any enactment, law or equity.

(2)      The Federal High Court shall have and exercise jurisdiction and powers in respect of treason, treasonable felony and allied offences.

(3)      The Federal High Court shall also have and exercise jurisdiction and powers in respect of criminal causes and matters in respect of which jurisdiction is conferred by subsection (1) of this section.

(4)      The Federal High Court shall have and exercise jurisdiction to determine any question as to whether the term of office or a seat of a member of the Senate or the House of Representatives has ceased or his seat has become vacant.

  1. (1)      For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or as may be conferred by an Act of the National Assembly, the Federal High Court shall have all the powers of the High Court of a state.

(2)      Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, the National Assembly may by law make provisions conferring upon the Federal high Court powers additional to those conferred by this section as may appear necessary or desirable for enabling the Court more effectively to exercise its jurisdiction.

  1. The Federal High Court shall be duly constituted if it consists of at least one Judge of that Court.
  2. Subject to the provisions of any Act of the National Assembly, the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the Federal High Court.


D – The High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

  1. (1)      There shall be a High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

(2)      The High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall consist of –

(a)      a Chief Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja; and

(b)      such number of Judges of the High Court as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.


“CC- The National Industrial Court of Nigeria


254A-  (I)      There shall be a National Industrial Court of Nigeria.

(2)      The National Industrial Court shall consist of:

(a)      President of the National Industrial Court; and

(b)      such number of Judges of the National Industrial Court as may be prescribed by an    Act of the National Assembly.


254 B            (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of President of the National Industrial Court shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council subject to confirmation of such appointment by the Senate.


(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Judge of the National Industrial Court shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.


(3)      A person shall not be eligible to hold the office of a President of the National Industrial Court unless the person is qualified to practice as a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years and has considerable knowledge and experience in the law and practice of industrial relations and employment conditions in Nigeria.


(4)      A person shall not be eligible to hold the office of a Judge of the National Industrial Court unless the person is a legal practitioner ill Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years and has considerable knowledge and experience in the law and practice of industrial relations and employment conditions in Nigeria.


(5)      If the office of the President of the National Industrial Court is vacant, or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then, until a person has been appointed to and assumed the functions of that office or until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the President shall appoint the most senior Judge of the Court having the qualification to be appointed as President of the National Industrial Court as provided under subsection (3) of this section to perform those functions.


(6)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to the provisions of subsection (5) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment and the President shall not reappoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.




254 C (I)      Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 251, 257, 272 and anything contained in this Constitution and in addition to such other jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by an Act of the National Assembly, the National Industrial Court shall have and exercise jurisdiction to the exclusion of any other court in civil causes and matters-


(a)      relating to or connected with any labour, employment, trade unions, industrial relations and matters arising from workplace, the conditions of service, including health, safety, welfare of labour, employee, worker and matters incidental thereto or connected therewith;


(b)      relating to, connected with or arising from Factories Act, Trade Disputes Act, Trade Unions Act, Labour Act, Employees’ Compensation Act or any other Act or Law relating to labour, employment, industrial relations, workplace or any other enactment replacing the Acts or Laws;


(c)      relating to or connected with the grant of any order restraining any person or body from taking part in any strike, lock-out or any industrial action, or any conduct in contemplation or in furtherance of a strike, lock-out or any industrial action and matters Connected therewith or related thereto;


(d)      relating to or connected with any dispute over the interpretation and application of the provisions of Chapter IV of this Constitution as it relates to any employment, labour, industrial relations, trade unionism, employer’s association or any other matter which the Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine;


(e)      relating to or connected with any dispute arising from national minimum wage for the Federation or any part thereof and matters connected therewith or arising there from;


(1)      relating to or connected with unfair labour practice or international best practices in labour, employment and industrial relation matters;


(g)      relating to or connected with any dispute arising from discrimination or sexual harassment at workplace;


(h)      relating to, connected with or pertaining to the application or interpretation of international labour standards;


(i)       connected with or related to child labour, child abuse, human trafficking or any matter connected therewith or related thereto;


(j)      relating to the determination of any question as to the interpretation and application of any-

(i)       collective agreement;


(ii)      award or order made by an arbitral tribunal in respect of a trade dispute or a trade union dispute;

(iii)     award or judgment of the Court;

(iv)     term of settlement of any trade dispute;

(v)      trade union dispute or employment dispute as may be recorded in a memorandum of settlement;


(vi)     trade union constitution, the constitution of an association of employers or any association relating to employment, labour, industrial relations or work place;


(vii)    dispute relating to or connected with any personnel matter arising from any free trade zone in the Federation or any part thereof;


(k)      relating to or connected with disputes arising from payment or nonpayment of salaries, wages, pensions, gratuities, allowances, benefits and any other entitlement of any employee, worker, political or public office holder, judicial officer or any civil or public servant in any part of the Federation and matters incidental thereto;

(l)       relating to-


(i)       appeals from the decisions of the Registrar of Trade Unions, or matters relating thereto or connected therewith;


(ii)      appeals from the decisions or recommendations of any administrative body or commission of enquiry, arising from or connected with employment, labour, trade unions or industrial relations; and


(iii)     such other jurisdiction, civil or criminal and whether to the exclusion of any other court or not, as may be conferred upon it by an Act of the National Assembly;


(m)     relating to or connected with the registration of collective agreements.

(2)      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Constitution, the

National Industrial Court shall have the jurisdiction and power to deal with any matter connected with or pertaining 10 the application of any international convention, treaty or protocol of which Nigeria has ratified relating to labour, employment, workplace, industrial relations or matters connected therewith.


(3)      The National Industrial Court may establish an Alternative Dispute Resolutions Centre within the Court premises on matters which jurisdiction is conferred on the court by this Constitution or any Act or Law:


Provided that nothing in this subsection shall preclude the National Industrial Court from entertaining and exercising appellate and supervisory jurisdiction over an arbitral tribunal or commission, administrative body, or board of inquiry in respect of any matter that the National Industrial Court has jurisdiction to entertain or any other matter as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly or any Law in force in any part of the Federation.


(4)      The National Industrial Court shall have and exercise jurisdiction and powers to entertain any application for the enforcement of the award, decision, ruling or order made by any arbitral tribunal or commission, administrative body, or board of inquiry relating to, connected with, arising from or pertaining to any matter of which the National Industrial Court has the jurisdiction to entertain.


(5)      The National Industrial Court shall have and exercise jurisdiction and powers in criminal causes and matters arising from any cause or matter of which jurisdiction is conferred on the National Industrial Court by this section or any other Act of the National Assembly or by any other law.


(6)      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Constitution, appeal shall lie from the decision of the National Industrial Court from matters in sub-section 5 of this section to the Court of Appeal as of right.




254D   (1)      For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or as may be conferred by an Act of the National Assembly, the National Industrial Court shall have all the powers of a High Court.


(2)      Notwithstanding subsection (I) of this section, the National Assembly may by law, make provisions conferring upon the National Industrial Court powers additional to those conferred by this section as may appear necessary or desirable for enabling the Court to be more effective in exercising its jurisdiction.



Constitution of the Court


254 E  (1)      For the purpose or exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or any other law, the National Industrial Court shall be duly constituted if it consists of a single Judge or not more than three Judges as the President of the National Industrial Court may direct.


(2)      For the purpose of exercising its criminal jurisdiction, the President of the Court may hear and determine or assign a single Judge of the Court to hear and determine such matter.


(3)      For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by the Constitution or any other law, the Court may. if it thinks it expedient to do so or in a manner prescribed under any enactment, law or rules of court, call in the aid of one or more assessors specially qualified to try and hear the cause or matter wholly or partly with the assistance of such assessors.


(4)      For the purpose of subsection(3) of this section, an assessor shall be a person who is qualified and experienced in his field of specialization and who has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years.


254F   (1)      Subject to the provisions of any Act of the National Assembly, the President of the National Industrial Court may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the National Industrial Court.


(2)      For the purpose of exercising its criminal jurisdiction, the provisions of the Criminal Code, Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Act, Criminal Procedure Code or Evidence Act shall apply”.

  1. (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of Chief Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial council, subject to confirmation of such appointment by the senate.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall be made by the president on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      A person shall not be qualified to hold the office of a Chief Judge or a Judge of the High Court of the Federation Capital Territory, Abuja unless he is qualified to practice as a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years.

(4)      If the office of the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja is vacant or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of that office until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the President shall appoint the most senior Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment and the President shall not re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1. (1)      Subject to the provisions of section 251 and any other provisions of this Constitution and in addition to such other jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by law, the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any civil proceedings in which the existence or extent of a legal right, power, duty, liability privilege, interest, obligation or claim is in issue or to hear and determine any criminal proceedings involving or relating to any penalty, forfeiture, punishment or other liability in respect of an offence committed by any person.

(2)      The reference to civil or criminal proceedings in this section includes a reference to the proceedings which originate in the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and those which are brought before the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja to be dealt with by the Court in the exercise of its appellate or supervisory jurisdiction.

  1. The High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall be duly constituted if it consists of at least one Judge of that court.
  2. Subject to the provisions of any Act of the National Assembly, the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.



E – The Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.


  1. (1)      There shall be a Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

(2)      The Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall consist of –

(a)      a Grand Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal. and

(b)      such number of Kadis of the Sharia Court of Appeal as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.

  1. (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of the Grand Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, subject to confirmation of such appointment by the Senate.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      A person shall not be qualified to hold office as Grand Kadi or Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja unless –

(a)      he is a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has so qualified for a period of not less than ten years and has obtained a recognised qualification in Islamic law from an institution acceptable to the National Judicial Council; or

(b)      he has attended and has obtained a recognised qualification in Islamic law from an institution approved by the National Judicial Council and has held the qualification for a period of not less than twelve years; and

(i)       he either has considerable experience in the Practice of Islamic law, or

(ii)      he is a distinguished scholar of Islamic law.

(4)      If the office of the Grand Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal is vacant or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then, until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of that office or until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the President shall appoint the most senior Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment and the President shall not re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1. (1)      The Sharia Court of Appeal shall, in addition to such other jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by an Act of the National Assembly, exercise such appellate and supervisory jurisdiction in civil proceedings involving questions of Islamic personal law.

(2)      For the purpose of subsection (1) of this section, the Sharia Court of Appeal shall be competent to decide –

(a)      any question of Islamic personal law regarding a marriage concluded in accordance with that law, including a question relating to the validity or dissolution of such a marriage or a question that depends on such a marriage and relating to family relationship or the guardianship of an infant;

(b)      where all the parties to the proceeding are Muslims, any question of Islamic personal law regarding a marriage, including the validity or dissolution of that marriage, or regarding family relationship, a foundling or the guardianship of an infant;

(c)      any question of Islamic personal law regarding a wakf, gift, will or succession where the endower, donor, testator or deceased person is a Muslim;

(d)      any question of Islamic personal law regarding an infant, prodigal or person of unsound mind who is a Muslim or the maintenance or the guardianship of a Muslim who is physically or mentally infirm; or

(e)      where all the parties to the proceedings, being Muslims, have requested the court that hears the case in the first instance to determine that case in accordance with Islamic personal law, any other question.

  1. For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or any Act of the National Assembly, the Sharia Court of Appeal shall be duly constituted if it consists of at least three Kadis of that Court.
  2.  Subject to the provisions of any Act of the National Assembly, the Grand Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.


F – The Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.


  1.  (1)      There shall be a Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

(2)      The Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall consist of –

(a)      a President of the Customary Court of Appeal; and

(b)      such number of Judges of the Customary Court of Appeal as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.

  1.  (1) The appointment of a person to the office of the President of the Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, subject to the confirmation of such appointment by the Senate.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Judge of the Customary Court of Appeal shall be made by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      Apart from such other qualification as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly, a person shall not be qualified to hold the office of President or a Judge of the Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, unless –

(a)      he is a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years and, in the opinion of the National Judicial Council he has considerable knowledge and experience in the practice of Customary law; or

(b)      in the opinion of the National Judicial Council he has considerable knowledge of and experience in the practice of Customary law.

(4)      If the office of the President of the Customary Court of Appeal is vacant or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then, until a person has been appointed to and assumed the functions of that office, or until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the President shall appoint the next most senior Judge of the Customary Court of Appeal to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment and the President shall no re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1.  The Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall, in addition to such other jurisdiction as may be conferred upon by an Act of The National Assembly Exercise such appellate and supervisory jurisdiction in civil proceedings involving questions of Customary law.
  2. For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or any Act of the National Assembly, the Customary Court of Appeal shall be duly constituted if it consists of at least three Judges of that Court.
  3.  Subject to the provisions of any Act of the National Assembly, the President of the Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

Part II: State Courts

A – High Court of a State

  1.  (1)      There shall be a High Court for each State of the Federation.

(2)      The High Court of a State shall consist of –

(a)      a Chief Judge of the State; and

(b)      such number of Judges of the High Court as may be prescribed by a Law of the House of Assembly of the State.

  1.  (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of Chief Judge of a State shall be made by the Governor of the State on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council subject to confirmation of the appointment by the House of Assembly of the State.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Judge of a High Court of a State shall be made by the Governor of the State acting on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      A person shall not be qualified to hold office of a Judge of a High Court of a State unless he is qualified to practice as a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years.

(4)      If the office of Chief Judge of a State is vacant or if the person holding the office is for any person unable to perform the functions of the office, then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of that office, or until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the Governor of the State shall appoint the most senior Judge of the High Court to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council an appointment pursuant to subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after expiration of three months from the date of such appointment and the Governor shall not re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1.  (1)      Subject to the provisions of section 251 and other provisions of this Constitution, the High Court of a State shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any civil proceedings in which the existence or extent of a legal right, power, duty, liability, privilege, interest, obligation or claim is in issue or to hear and determine any criminal proceedings involving or relating to any penalty, forfeiture, punishment or other liability in respect of an offence committed by any person.

(2)      The reference to civil or criminal proceedings in this section includes a reference to the proceedings which originate in the High Court of a State and those which are brought before the High Court to be dealt with by the court in the exercise of its appellate or supervisory jurisdiction.

(3)      Subject to the provisions of section 251 and other provisions of this Constitution, the Federal High Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine the question as to whether the term of office of a member of the House of Assembly of a State, a Governor or Deputy Governor has ceased or become vacant

  1.  For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it under this Constitution or any law, a High court of a State shall be duly constituted if it consists of at least one Judge of that Court.
  2.  Subject to the provisions of any law made by the House of Assembly of a State, the Chief Judge of a State may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the High Court of the State.


B – Sharia Court of Appeal of a State

  1. (1)      There shall be for any State that requires it a Sharia Court of Appeal for that State.

(2)      The Sharia Court of Appeal of the State shall consist of –

(a)      A Grandi Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal; and

(b)      such member of Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal as may be prescribed by the House of Assembly of the State.

  1. (1)      The appointment of a person to the office of the Grandi Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of a State shall be made by the Governor of the State on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, subject to confirmation of such appointment by the House of Assembly of the State.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of a State shall be made by the Governor of the State on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      A person shall not be qualified to hold office as a Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of a State unless –

(a)      he is a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years and has obtained a recognised qualification in Islamic law from an institution acceptable to the National Judicial Council; or

(b)      he has attended and has obtained a recognised qualification in Islamic law from an institution approved by the National Judicial council and has held the qualification for a period of not less than ten years; and

(i)       he either has considerable experience in the practice of Islamic law, or

(ii)      he is a distinguished scholar of Islamic law.

(4)      If the office of the Grandi Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of a State is vacant or if a person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the function of the office, then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the function s of that office, or until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the Governor of the State shall appoint the most senior Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the State to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment, and the Governor shall not re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1.  (1)      The sharia Court of Appeal of a State shall, in addition to such other jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by the law of the State, exercise such appellate and supervisory jurisdiction in civil proceedings involving questions of Islamic personal Law which the court is competent to decide in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) of this section.

(2)      For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, the sharia Court of Appeal shall be competent to decide –

(a)      any question of Islamic personal Law regarding a marriage concluded in accordance with that Law, including a question relating to the validity or dissolution of such a marriage or a question that depends on such a marriage and relating to family relationship or the guardianship of an infant;

(b)      where all the parties to the proceedings are muslims, any question of Islamic personal Law regarding a marriage, including the validity or dissolution of that marriage, or regarding family relationship, a founding or the guarding of an infant;

(c)      any question of Islamic personal Law regarding a wakf, gift, will or succession where the endower, donor, testator or deceased person is a muslim;

(d)      any question of Islamic personal Law regarding an infant, prodigal or person of unsound mind who is a muslim or the maintenance or the guardianship of a muslim who is physically or mentally infirm; or

(e)      where all the parties to the proceedings, being muslims, have requested the court that hears the case in the first instance to determine that case in accordance with Islamic personal law, any other question.

  1. For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it this Constitution or any law, a sharia Court of Appeal of a State shall be duly constituted if it consists of at least three kadis of that Court.
  2. Subject to provisions of any made by the House of Assembly of the State, the Grand Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the state may make rules regulating the practice and procedure of the Sharia Court of Appeal.


C – Customary Court of Appeal of a State


  1. (1)      There shall be for any State that requires it a Customary Court of Appeal for that State.

(2)      The Customary Court of Appeal of a State shall consist of –

(a)      a President of the Customary Court of Appeal of the State; and

(b)      such number of Judges of the Customary Court of Appeal as may be prescribed by the House of Assembly of the State.

  1. (1) The appointment of a person to the office of President of a Customary Court of Appeal shall be made by the governor of the State on the recommendation of the national Judicial Council, subject to confirmation of such appointment by the House of Assembly of the State.

(2)      The appointment of a person to the office of a Judge of a Customary Court of Appeal shall be made by the Governor of the State on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

(3)      Apart from such other qualification as may be prescribed by a law of the House of Assembly of the State, a person shall not be qualified to hold office of a president or of a Judge of a Customary Court of Appeal of a State unless –

(a)      he is a legal practitioner in Nigeria and he has been so qualified for a period of not less than ten years and In the opinion of the National Judicial Council he has considerable knowledge and experience in the practice of Customary law; or

(b)      in the opinion of the National Judicial Council he has considerable knowledge of and experience in the practice of Customary law.

(4)      If the office of President of the Customary Court of Appeal of a State is vacant or if the person holding the office is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office, then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of that office, or until the person holding the office has resumed the functions of that office, or until the person holding the office has resumed those functions, the Governor of the State shall appoint the most senior Judge of the Customary Court of Appeal of the State to perform those functions.

(5)      Except on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, an appointment pursuant to subsection (4) of this section shall cease to have effect after the expiration of three months from the date of such appointment, and the Governor shall not re-appoint a person whose appointment has lapsed.

  1. (1)      A Customary Court of Appeal of a State shall exercise appellate and supervisory jurisdiction in civil proceedings involve questions of Customary law.

(2)      For the purpose of this section, a Customary Court of Appeal of a State shall exercise such jurisdiction and decide such questions as may be prescribed by the House of Assembly of the State for which it is established.

  1.  For the purpose of exercising any jurisdiction conferred upon it by this Constitution or any law, a Customary Court of Appeal of the State may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the Customary Court of Appeal of the State.
  2. Subject to the provisions of any law by the House of Assembly of the State, the President of the Customary Court of Appeal of the State may make rules for regulating the practice and procedure of the customary Court of Appeal of the State.


Part III: Election Tribunals

  1. (1)      There shall be established for each State of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, one or more election tribunals to be known as the National and State Houses of Assembly Election Tribunals which shall, to the exclusion of any Court or tribunal, have original jurisdiction to hear and determine petitions as to whether—

(a)      Any person has been validly  elected as a member of the National Assembly; or

(b)      Any person has been validly elected as a member of the House of a Assembly of a State.

(2)      (Deleted by section 29 (b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (First Alteration) Act.

(3)      The composition of the National and State Houses of Assembly Election Tribunals, respectively shall be as set out in the Sixth Schedule to this Constitution.

(4)      The quorum of an election tribunal established under this section shall be the Chairman and one other member.

(5)      An election petition shall be filed within 21 days after the date of the declaration of result of the elections.

(6)      An election tribunal shall deliver its judgment in writing within 180 days from the date of the filing of the petition.

(7)      An appeal from a decision of an election tribunal or court shall be heard and disposed of within 60 days from the date of the delivery of judgment of the tribunal.

(8)      The Court in all appeals from election tribunal may adopt the practice of first giving its decision and reserving the reasons therefore to a later date.”


Part IV: Supplemental

  1. (1)      Subject to the provisions of this Constitution-

(a)      where by the Law of a State jurisdiction is conferred upon any court for the hearing and determination of civil causes and of appeals arising out of such causes, the court shall have like jurisdiction with respect to the hearing and determination of Federal causes and of appeals arising out of such causes:

(b)      where by the Law of a State jurisdiction is conferred upon any court for the investigation, inquiry into, or trial of persons accused of offences against the Laws of the State and with respect to the hearing and determination of appeals arising out of any such trial or out of any proceedings connected therewith, the court shall have like jurisdiction with respect to the investigation, inquiry into, or trial of persons for Federal offences and the hearing and determination of appeals arising out of the trial or proceedings; and

(c)      the jurisdiction conferred on a court of a state pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be exercised in conformity with the practice and procedure for the time being prescribed in relation to its jurisdiction over civil or criminal causes other than Federal causes.

(2)      Nothing in the provisions of this section shall be construed, except in so far as other provisions have been made by the operation of sections 299 and 301 of this Constitution, as conferring jurisdiction as respects Federal causes or Federal offences upon a court presided over by a person who is not or has not been qualified to practice as a legal practitioner in Nigeria.

(3)      In this section, unless the context otherwise requires –

” causes” includes matter;

“Federal cause” means civil or criminal cause relating to provisions of the National Assembly has power to make laws; and

“Federal offence” means an offence contrary to the provisions of Act of the National Assembly or any law having effect as if so enacted.

  1. (1)      The decisions of the Supreme court shall be enforced in any part of the Federation by all authorities and persons, and by courts with subordinate jurisdiction to that of the supreme Court.

(2)      The decisions of the Court of Appeal shall be enforced in any part of the Federation by all authorities and persons, and by courts with subordinate jurisdiction to that of the court of Appeal.

(3)      The decisions of the Federal High Court, the National Industrial Court, a High Court and of all other courts established by this Constitution shall be enforced in any part of the Federation by all authorities and persons, and by other courts of law with subordinate jurisdiction to that of the Federal High Court, the National Industrial Court, a High Court and those other courts, respectively.

  1. (1)      In exercising his powers under the foregoing provisions of this Chapter in respect of appointments to the offices of Justices of the Supreme court and Justices of the Court of Appeal, the President shall have regard to the need to ensure that there are among the holders of such offices persons learned in Islamic personal law and persons learned in Customary law.

(2)      For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section –

(a)      a person shall be deemed to be learned in Islamic personal law if he is a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than fifteen years in the case of a Justice of the Supreme Court or not less than twelve years in the case of a Justice of the Court of Appeal and has in either case obtained a recognized qualification in Islamic law from an institution acceptable to the national Judicial Council; and

(b)      a person shall be deemed to be learned in Customary law if he is a legal practitioner in Nigeria and has been so qualified for a period of not less than fifteen years in the case of a Justice of the Supreme Court or not less than twelve years in the case of a Justice of the Court of Appeal and has in either case and in the opinion of the National Judicial Council considerable knowledge of and experience in the practice of Customary law.

  1. No legal practitioner shall be qualified for appointment as a Justice of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal or a Judge of a Federal High Court, ot the Judge of a National Industrial Court or a Judge of a High Court or a kadi of a Sharia Court of Appeal or a Judge of the Customary Court of Appeal whilst he is a member of the National Judicial Council or Committee of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja or a State Judicial Service Commission, and he shall remain so disqualified until a period of three years has elapsed since he ceased to be member.
  2. (1)      A person appointed to any judicial office shall not begin to perform the functions of that office until he has declared his assets and liabilities as prescribed under this Constitution and has subsequently taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance and the Judicial Oath prescribed in the seventh Schedule to this Constitution.

(2)      The oaths aforesaid shall be administered by the person for the time being authorized by law to administer such oaths.

  1. (1)      A judicial officer appointed to the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeal may retire when he attains the age of sixty-five years and he shall cease to hold office when he attains the age of seventy years.

(2)      A judicial officer appointed to any other court, other than those specified in subsection (1) of this section may retire when he attains the age of sixty years and he shall cease to hold office when he attains the age of sixty-five years.

(3)      Any person who has held office as a judicial officer –

(a)      for a period of not less than fifteen years shall, if he retires at or after the age of sixty-five years in the case of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, a Justice of the Supreme Court, the President of the court of Appeal or a Justice of the Court of Appeal or at or after the age of sixty years in any other case, be entitled to pension for life at a rate equivalent to his last annual salary and all his allowances in addition to any other retirement benefits to which he may be entitled;

(b)      for a period of less than fifteen years shall, if he retires at or after the age of sixty-five years or sixty years, as the case may be, be entitled to pension for life at a rate as in paragraph (a) of this subsection pro rata the number of years he served as a judicial officer in relation to the period of fifteen years, and all his allowances in addition to other retirement benefits to which he may be entitled under his terms and conditions of service; and

(c)      in any case, shall be entitled to such pension and other retirement benefits as may be regulated by an Act o the National Assembly or by a Law of a House of Assembly of a State.

(4)      Nothing in this section or elsewhere in this Constitution shall preclude the application of the provisions of any other law that provides for pensions, gratuities and other retirement benefits for persons in the public service of the Federation or a State.

  1. (1)      A judicial officer shall not be removed from his office or appointment before his age of retirement except in the following circumstances –

(a)      in the case of –

(i)       Chief Justice of Nigeria, President of the Court of Appeal, Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, the President of the National Industrial Court, Chief Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Grand Kadi of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and President, Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, by the President acting on an address supported by two-thirds majority of the Senate.

(ii)      Chief Judge of a State, Grand Kadi of a Sharia Court of Appeal or President of a Customary Court of Appeal of a State, by the Governor acting on an address supported by two-thirds majority of the House of Assembly of the State,

Praying that he be so removed for his inability to discharge the functions of his office or appointment (whether arising from infirmity of mind or of body) or for misconduct or contravention of the Code of Conduct;

(b)      in any case, other than those to which paragraph (a) of this subsection applies, by the President or, as the case may be, the Governor acting on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council that the judicial officer be so removed for his inability to discharge the functions of his office or appointment (whether arising from infirmity of mind or of body) or for misconduct or contravention of the Code of Conduct.

(2)      Any person who has held office as a judicial officer shall not on ceasing to be a judicial officer for any reason whatsoever thereafter appear or act as a legal practitioner before any court of law or tribunal in Nigeria.

  1. Except for the purposes of exercising any jurisdiction conferred by this Constitution or by any other law, every court established under this Constitution shall be deemed to be duly constituted notwithstanding any vacancy in the membership of the court.
  2. (1) Every court established under this Constitution shall deliver its decision in writing not later than ninety days after the conclusion of evidence and final addresses and furnish all parties to the cause or matter determined with duly authenticated copies of the decision within seven days of the delivery thereof.

(2)      Each Justice of the Supreme Court or of the Court of Appeal shall express and deliver his opinion in writing, or may state in writing that he adopts the opinion of any other Justice who delivers a written opinion:

Provided that it shall not be necessary for the Justices who heard a cause or matter to be present when judgment is to be delivered and the opinion of a Justice may be pronounced or read by any other Justice whether or not he was present at the hearing.

(3)      A decision of a court consisting of more than one Judge shall be determined by the opinion of the majority of its members.

(4)      For the purpose of delivering its decision under this section, the Supreme court, or the Court of Appeal or the National Industrial Court shall be deemed to be duly constituted if at least one member of that court sits for that purpose.

(5)      The decision of a court shall not be set aside or treated as a nullity solely on the ground of non-compliance with the provisions of subsection (1) of this section unless the court exercising jurisdiction by way of appeal or review of that decision is satisfied that the party complaining has suffered a miscarriage of justice by reason thereof.

(6)      As soon as possible after hearing and deciding any case in which it has been determined or observed that there was non-compliance with the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the person presiding at the sitting of the court shall send a report on the case to the Chairman of the National Judicial Council who shall keep the Council informed of such action as the Council may deem fit.

  1. (1)      Where any question as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution arises in any proceedings in any court of law in any part of Nigeria (other than in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the Federal High Court or National Industrial Court or a High Court) and the court is of the opinion that the question involves a substantial question of law, the court may, and shall if any of the parties to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the Federal High Court or National Industrial Court or a High Court having jurisdiction in that part of Nigeria and the Federal High Court or the High Court shall :

(a)      if it is of opinion that the question involves a substantial question of law, refer the question to the Court of Appeal; or

(b)      if it is of opinion that the question does not involve a substantial question of law, remit the question to the court that made the reference to be disposed of in accordance with such directions as the Federal High Court or the National Industrial Court or the High Court may think fit to give.

(2)      Where any question as to the interpretation or application of this constitution arises in any proceedings in the Federal High Court or National Industrial Court or a High Court, and the court is of opinion that the question involves a substantial question of law, the court may, and shall if any party to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the Court of Appeal; and where any question is referred in pursuance of this subsection, the court shall give its decision upon the question and the court in which the question arose shall dispose of the case in accordance with that decision.

(3)      Where any question as to the interpretation or application of this constitution arises in any proceedings in the Court of Appeal and the court is of opinion that the question involves a substantial question of law, the court may, and shall if any party to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the Supreme Court which shall give its decision upon the question and give such directions to the Court of Appeal as it deems appropriate.

  1. In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, “office” when used with reference to the validity of an election to an office includes the office of President of the Federation, Vice-President of the Federation and Governor or Deputy Governor of a State but does not include the office of President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Speaker of a House of Assembly or any office established by this Constitution.



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